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Model-Based Cluster Analysis for Web Users Sessions." In ISMIS, edited by Mohand-Said Hacid, Neil V. Murray, Zbigniew W. Ras and Shusaku Tsumoto, 219-227. Vol. 3488. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3488. Springer, 2005.
"Insight and Perspectives for Content Delivery Networks." Commun. ACM 49 (2006): 101-106.
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Integrating Caching Techniques in CDNs using a Classification Approach." IJBDCN 4 (2008): 1-12.
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Storage and Access Control Issues for XML Documents." In Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (V), edited by Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, 2616-2621. Idea Group, 2005.
"Replication Based on Objects Load under a Content Distribution Network." In ICDE Workshops, edited by Roger S. Barga and Xiaofang Zhou, 53. IEEE Computer Society, 2006.
"A Latency-Based Object Placement Approach in Content Distribution Networks." In LA-WEB, 140-147. IEEE Computer Society, 2005.
"Validation and interpretation of Web users’ sessions clusters." Inf. Process. Manage. 43 (2007): 1348-1367.
"A Study on Workload Characterization for a Web Proxy Server." In Applied Informatics, edited by M. H. Hamza, 779-784. IASTED/ACTA Press, 2003.
"FRES-CAR: An Adaptive Cache Replacement Policy." In WIRI, 74-81. IEEE Computer Society, 2005.
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A clustering-based prefetching scheme on a Web cache environment." Computers & Electrical Engineering 34 (2008): 309-323.
"A probabilistic validation algorithm for Web users’ clusters." In SMC (5), 4129-4134. IEEE, 2004.
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A learning-automata-based controller for client/server systems." Neurocomputing 61 (2004): 381-394.
"ClustTour: city exploration by use of hybrid photo clustering." In ACM Multimedia, edited by Alberto Del Bimbo, Shih-Fu Chang and Arnold W. M. Smeulders, 1617-1620. ACM, 2010.
"Community Detection in Collaborative Tagging Systems." In Community-Built Databases, edited by Eric Pardede, 107-131. Springer, 2011.
"Image clustering through community detection on hybrid image similarity graphs." In ICIP, 2353-2356. IEEE, 2010.
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Cluster-Based Landmark and Event Detection for Tagged Photo Collections." IEEE MultiMedia 18 (2011): 52-63.
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The Dynamics of Content Popularity in Social Media." IJDWM 6 (2010): 20-37.
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CERTH @ MediaEval 2011 Social Event Detection Task." In MediaEval, edited by Martha Larson, Adam Rae, Claire-Helene Demarty, Christoph Kofler, Florian Metze, Raphaël Troncy, Vasileios Mezaris and Gareth J. F. Jones. Vol. 807. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 807., 2011.
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Leveraging Collective Intelligence through Community Detection in Tag Networks., 2009.
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Semi-supervised Concept Detection by Learning the Structure of Similarity Graphs." In MMM (1), edited by Shipeng Li, Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik, Meng Wang, Tao Mei, Nicu Sebe, Shuicheng Yan, Richang Hong and Cathal Gurrin, 1-12. Vol. 7732. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7732. Springer, 2013.
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A graph-based clustering scheme for identifying related tags in folksonomies." In Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Data warehousing and knowledge discovery, 65-76. DaWaK’10. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2010.
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City exploration by use of spatio-temporal analysis and clustering of user contributed photos." In ICMR, edited by Francesco G. B. De Natale, Alberto Del Bimbo, Alan Hanjalic, B. S. Manjunath and Shin’ichi Satoh, 65. ACM, 2011.
"Automatic extraction of structure, content and usage data statistics of web sites." In HT, edited by Mark H. Chignell and Elaine G. Toms, 301-302. ACM, 2010.
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A Divergence-Oriented Approach for Web Users Clustering." In ICCSA (2), edited by Marina L. Gavrilova, Osvaldo Gervasi, Vipin Kumar, Chih Jeng Kenne Tan, David Taniar, Antonio LaganĂ, Youngsong Mun and Hyunseung Choo, 1229-1238. Vol. 3981. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3981. Springer, 2006.
"Time-Aware Web Users’ Clustering." IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 20 (2008): 653-667.